UK Licensed medication
Free next-day delivery
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Ongoing medical support
Medically equivalent to Viagra®, but at a fraction of the cost.
Effective for | Over 90% of men |
Works within | 30-60 minutes |
Supports erections for | 4 hours |
Price per pill | From £1.67 |
The generic unbranded form of Cialis
Effective for | Over 90% of men |
Works within | 20-30 minutes |
Supports erections for | 36 hours |
Price per pill | From £2.57 |
The over the counter classic
Effective for | Over 90% of men |
Works within | 30-60 minutes |
Supports erections for | 4 hours |
Price per pill | From £8 |
The classic
Effective for | Over 90% of men |
Works within | 30-60 minutes |
Supports erections for | 4 hours |
Price per pill | From £12 |
We’ll ask you a couple of quick medical questions. Tick the boxes and a clinician will review your answers and issue you a prescription.
Your selected treatment will be delivered for free, with discreet packaging and instructions on how to use it.
Chat with a medical expert whenever you need. On the phone or via email. With support throughout your treatment.
Enabling the mission of revolutionising how men approach health, they are at the core of the men’s wellness platform. Meet our team.
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